Meet The Team - Operations Director - Stuart Dow

Meet The Team - Operations Director - Stuart Dow

What is your greatest achievement inside of work?

Promoting better communication between the various groups and individuals within HFL, engineering is very much a team information sharing and transformation effort.

What is your greatest achievement outside of work?

Surviving the 78% gradient Harakiri piste In Mayrhofen, Austria.

What are the things you have done at Haden Freeman that you are the proudest about?

I’d like to think we encourage a positive working environment at HFL, where people like working and feel they can voice their thoughts and be heard.

What is your best working memory?

I love to travel, so commissioning in places like Romania is high on the list.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Better communicator, it’s a vital skill and can always be improved.,

What do you consider your greatest strengths?


Critical Thinking

What is the favourite part of your job?

I love the fact that we’re project based and we continually meet new people and challenges, I’m not great at ‘day in, day out’ routines.

What is your best memory from your childhood?

First time I walked up a mountain in my homeland of Scotland, still get a buzz from the view of mountain peaks on a clear day.

What has been your favourite holiday destination?

Peru and Machu Pichu, it was on the bucket list and exceeded expectations.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work

Love to go skiing and a bit of DIY (but that’s more a necessity than a hobby)

What motivates you to come to work each day?

I think like most engineers I love to do engineering.

What was your worst job interview and why?

For a government engineering post in Australia, told I got it on the day, but the Australian government vetoed outside recruitment for the public sector in the following weeks.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

For the full round the world itinerary please contact our reception.

What are your five top qualities?

Problem solving

Getting things working

Seeing the bigger picture

Understanding others’ views

Crossing the finish line

Who inspired you to make you want to pursue your career within engineering industry?

A teacher called Mr Shand, he had us building a computer from basic components in the 80’s.

As a kid what did you want to be when you grow up?

Fancied Red Adair’s job for a while, after watching the John Wayne film.

If you was to give your younger self some advice what would that be?

Bit more studying and a bit less socializing when I was at Uni.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 Years?

Hopefully I’ll make that round the world trip

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

Still have a hankering to live in Australia